Why not learn the path of Reiki and transform your life. Reiki teaches us about ourselves and how to honour that connection. Miko Usui, the founder of Reiki gave the world a gift when he began teaching Reiki as a spiritual and healing path.
Shamana offers Reiki 1, 2 and Mastership in a small group setting or via private tuition. The courses are held in Drysdale at Gokai Wellbeing. A lineage for Usui Reiki is provided and certification.
Learning Reiki is a wonderful way to tap into your intuitive nature and begin the journey of establishing a spiritual practise.
* Builds your core energy: (Hara)
* Offers guidelines and insights to reflect on
* Teaches us meditations to focus on
* Teaches us to direct our energy
*Connects us to Rei-ki to heal ourselves and others
* Teaches us mantras and symbols to sooth the mind and bring us peace
* Provides you with a direct lineage to Usui
* Supports wellbeing and inner peace.
Reiki puts the power of healing and personal development literally back into your own hands. As you develop your energy resources and practises, you will come to know and understand that your own growth; happiness; wellbeing and spiritual development is no-one's responsibility but your own.
Shamana offers Reiki 1, 2 and Mastership in a small group setting or via private tuition. The courses are held in Drysdale at Gokai Wellbeing. A lineage for Usui Reiki is provided and certification.
Learning Reiki is a wonderful way to tap into your intuitive nature and begin the journey of establishing a spiritual practise.
* Builds your core energy: (Hara)
* Offers guidelines and insights to reflect on
* Teaches us meditations to focus on
* Teaches us to direct our energy
*Connects us to Rei-ki to heal ourselves and others
* Teaches us mantras and symbols to sooth the mind and bring us peace
* Provides you with a direct lineage to Usui
* Supports wellbeing and inner peace.
Reiki puts the power of healing and personal development literally back into your own hands. As you develop your energy resources and practises, you will come to know and understand that your own growth; happiness; wellbeing and spiritual development is no-one's responsibility but your own.
Weekend course
Shoden is the beginning of the journey to your inner being. You will learn the traditional Japanese system which Mikao Usui developed in 1920. Though Reiki has become Westernised, through this lineage you will be taught as closely as possible the methods that Usui taught.
Shoden teaches you the history of Reiki and about our lineage.
You will be introduced to a number of focused meditations that work with the Hara centres.
You will also learn about the precepts or the Gokai and discover the importance of these as a foundation for the system of Reiki. This is a wonderful start point from which to begin the pathway of developing your energy centres and begin to consolidate your practise at a foundational level.
You will receive 4 attunements over the weekend. Attunements integrate the Reiki energy to your field, so that you are open to receive it and use it. Once you have received your first attunement, you will be able to start doing 'Self healing'.
Self healing is about connecting to the Reiki energy and directing it through your hands so that you can begin to work with and get used to the feeling of Reiki. You will begin to experience what it is like to direct the energy through you hands and feel how it flows with intention. Self healing is about learning to work with the Reiki energy to begin the path of developing yourself; balancing your energy systems to and heal yourself energetically.
Reiki 1- Shoden
Saturday and Sunday
10.30am - 5.30pm
Cost: $390.00
Limited to 6 participants
This includes certification with lineage, workbooks, light lunch and snacks.
It also includes a 21 day e-course for your continuing Reiki practice.
Weekend course
Shoden is the beginning of the journey to your inner being. You will learn the traditional Japanese system which Mikao Usui developed in 1920. Though Reiki has become Westernised, through this lineage you will be taught as closely as possible the methods that Usui taught.
Shoden teaches you the history of Reiki and about our lineage.
You will be introduced to a number of focused meditations that work with the Hara centres.
You will also learn about the precepts or the Gokai and discover the importance of these as a foundation for the system of Reiki. This is a wonderful start point from which to begin the pathway of developing your energy centres and begin to consolidate your practise at a foundational level.
You will receive 4 attunements over the weekend. Attunements integrate the Reiki energy to your field, so that you are open to receive it and use it. Once you have received your first attunement, you will be able to start doing 'Self healing'.
Self healing is about connecting to the Reiki energy and directing it through your hands so that you can begin to work with and get used to the feeling of Reiki. You will begin to experience what it is like to direct the energy through you hands and feel how it flows with intention. Self healing is about learning to work with the Reiki energy to begin the path of developing yourself; balancing your energy systems to and heal yourself energetically.
Reiki 1- Shoden
Saturday and Sunday
10.30am - 5.30pm
Cost: $390.00
Limited to 6 participants
This includes certification with lineage, workbooks, light lunch and snacks.
It also includes a 21 day e-course for your continuing Reiki practice.
Practitioner certificate
Weekend training
*A minimum of 2 months practise is required between Shoden (L1) and Okuden (L2)
Okuden is the next level of your Reiki journey. Now that you have been practising with the flow of Reiki and working with it for self healing, Reiki 2 teaches you about the Reiki symbols and how to work with them. This includes working with their vibrational sounds and mantras.
Reiki 2 is a deepening. You learn about how to use the symbols in the healing of others and how to conduct a healing. This is the practitioner aspect of the Reiki journey. You will also learn how to do remote or distance healings for those who cannot be physically in the same location as you.
You will receive 4 attunements over the weekend to further your energetic receptivity.
You will receive several healings and also practise giving healings.
You will practise using the symbols in healings.
We will learn new meditations and mantras too.
A minimum of two months is required between Reiki 1 and Reiki 2. This is important as you need time to work with the practises and strengthen your energy field and hara centres. The spiritual path cannot be rushed. Integration of new learnings takes time and regular practise will ensure that you are building your inner fire and understand the use of energy as a tool for personal stability and awareness.
Reiki 2- Okuden
Saturday and Sunday
Cost: $420.00
Limited to 6 participants
This includes certification with lineage, workbooks, light lunch and snacks.
It also includes a 21 day e-course for your ongoing Reiki practice.
Practitioner certificate
Weekend training
*A minimum of 2 months practise is required between Shoden (L1) and Okuden (L2)
Okuden is the next level of your Reiki journey. Now that you have been practising with the flow of Reiki and working with it for self healing, Reiki 2 teaches you about the Reiki symbols and how to work with them. This includes working with their vibrational sounds and mantras.
Reiki 2 is a deepening. You learn about how to use the symbols in the healing of others and how to conduct a healing. This is the practitioner aspect of the Reiki journey. You will also learn how to do remote or distance healings for those who cannot be physically in the same location as you.
You will receive 4 attunements over the weekend to further your energetic receptivity.
You will receive several healings and also practise giving healings.
You will practise using the symbols in healings.
We will learn new meditations and mantras too.
A minimum of two months is required between Reiki 1 and Reiki 2. This is important as you need time to work with the practises and strengthen your energy field and hara centres. The spiritual path cannot be rushed. Integration of new learnings takes time and regular practise will ensure that you are building your inner fire and understand the use of energy as a tool for personal stability and awareness.
Reiki 2- Okuden
Saturday and Sunday
Cost: $420.00
Limited to 6 participants
This includes certification with lineage, workbooks, light lunch and snacks.
It also includes a 21 day e-course for your ongoing Reiki practice.
*At least 12 months practise between Okuden and Shinpiden
Reiki Mastership is the jewell in the crown. This is where everything that you have learned comes together and goes even deeper with new meditations, chants and attunements. Reiki mastership is the true beginning of our journey.
As a 'master practitioner' you understand that you are actually mastering your craft every day in every moment of your life. You are Reiki . It isn't just a healing modality that you do now and again.
Mastership goes runs over 3 solid days and in addition to the weekend, there are 6 weekly catch up's for 2 hours post course and follow up email correspondence for 6 weeks with guidance and suggestions for practice. You will be required to spend at least an hour daily mastering your craft and going deeper into what you have learned. This is a BIG commitment and not one to take lightly.
Mastership is about becoming the Great bright light- the Dai Ko Myo.
It is about feeling into the energies with which you work and knowing them as a part of you. Mastership is learning to cultivate and hold an energetic space in which others can grow and raise their vibration too. This is a time of building your energy and connecting with your true self. It is a deepening of yourself as an energetic being who continues to evolve as your practise strengthens. It requires reflection and contemplation, but most of all the daily application of what you learn.
You will learn to conduct Reiju and give attunements to others.
This is a preparation for teaching, should you wish to go down that path: though a lot of people do mastership for their own growth and spiritual development.
Mastership teaches you commitment, focus and discipline. It teachers you to expand and strengthen your energy, to be free from the mind and it's restraints and to live the Gokai and embrace yourself as Reiki.
The weekend does not include healings as there is a LOT to get through, practise and feel into. This is a time for building your energy, reflecting on the teachings and integrating what you learn. We build a container in which we chant, meditate and practise the master symbol and mantras.
In our post course follow up, you will be introduced to further mantras and mudras for the precepts and focus on one precept in depth per week. We will also practise attunements and Reiju so that you feel confident to give these to others. .
* I will only accept students who have been working solidly on their practise for 12 months prior to application for Mastership. If you have not done Levels 1 and 2 with me, I will need to chat with you and ascertain what you have learned previously and also see a copy of your certification and lineage. This is so that we can get you up to speed with anything that you may have missed and if necessary revisit or catch up on techniques prior to the course.
Reiki Mastership
Friday- Sunday
10.00am -5.30pm
and 6x2 hrs weekly sessions post course
Limited to 6 participants
This includes certification with lineage, workbooks, light lunch and snacks.
Also included is a 6 week email support program.
Cost is $1200.
* Pay by instalment option available.
*At least 12 months practise between Okuden and Shinpiden
Reiki Mastership is the jewell in the crown. This is where everything that you have learned comes together and goes even deeper with new meditations, chants and attunements. Reiki mastership is the true beginning of our journey.
As a 'master practitioner' you understand that you are actually mastering your craft every day in every moment of your life. You are Reiki . It isn't just a healing modality that you do now and again.
Mastership goes runs over 3 solid days and in addition to the weekend, there are 6 weekly catch up's for 2 hours post course and follow up email correspondence for 6 weeks with guidance and suggestions for practice. You will be required to spend at least an hour daily mastering your craft and going deeper into what you have learned. This is a BIG commitment and not one to take lightly.
Mastership is about becoming the Great bright light- the Dai Ko Myo.
It is about feeling into the energies with which you work and knowing them as a part of you. Mastership is learning to cultivate and hold an energetic space in which others can grow and raise their vibration too. This is a time of building your energy and connecting with your true self. It is a deepening of yourself as an energetic being who continues to evolve as your practise strengthens. It requires reflection and contemplation, but most of all the daily application of what you learn.
You will learn to conduct Reiju and give attunements to others.
This is a preparation for teaching, should you wish to go down that path: though a lot of people do mastership for their own growth and spiritual development.
Mastership teaches you commitment, focus and discipline. It teachers you to expand and strengthen your energy, to be free from the mind and it's restraints and to live the Gokai and embrace yourself as Reiki.
The weekend does not include healings as there is a LOT to get through, practise and feel into. This is a time for building your energy, reflecting on the teachings and integrating what you learn. We build a container in which we chant, meditate and practise the master symbol and mantras.
In our post course follow up, you will be introduced to further mantras and mudras for the precepts and focus on one precept in depth per week. We will also practise attunements and Reiju so that you feel confident to give these to others. .
* I will only accept students who have been working solidly on their practise for 12 months prior to application for Mastership. If you have not done Levels 1 and 2 with me, I will need to chat with you and ascertain what you have learned previously and also see a copy of your certification and lineage. This is so that we can get you up to speed with anything that you may have missed and if necessary revisit or catch up on techniques prior to the course.
Reiki Mastership
Friday- Sunday
10.00am -5.30pm
and 6x2 hrs weekly sessions post course
Limited to 6 participants
This includes certification with lineage, workbooks, light lunch and snacks.
Also included is a 6 week email support program.
Cost is $1200.
* Pay by instalment option available.
A framework for those wishing to teach.
Cost is $400.
Post Mastership program is for those wanting to teach level 1 & 2. I would recommend focusing on your own practice of Reiki mastership for at least 6-12 months before undertaking teaching. It is important to have had time to reflect on and internalise the teachings so that you can share your knowledge from experience as well as practical application to daily life and clients. Reiki is not an intellectual approach to wellbeing. It is a feeling state derived from practise and connection.
When you feel ready for this next step, I offer a private Reiki Teacher Training day. Together we will work through all aspects of teaching the system and design a program that reflects on your individual style of delivery.
A framework for those wishing to teach.
Cost is $400.
Post Mastership program is for those wanting to teach level 1 & 2. I would recommend focusing on your own practice of Reiki mastership for at least 6-12 months before undertaking teaching. It is important to have had time to reflect on and internalise the teachings so that you can share your knowledge from experience as well as practical application to daily life and clients. Reiki is not an intellectual approach to wellbeing. It is a feeling state derived from practise and connection.
When you feel ready for this next step, I offer a private Reiki Teacher Training day. Together we will work through all aspects of teaching the system and design a program that reflects on your individual style of delivery.