Are you experiencing problems as a result of unexplained emotional responses that keep showing up in your life?
If you have tried other therapies to no avail, then Past life Assimilation may be of help. It is useful for repeat issues and patterns formed as a result of a trauma or emotional blockage that has been carried forward from other lives and past experiences.
The Past Life Assimilation Technique releases and dissolves emotion(s) that have been carried forward in time from past incarnations. By connecting with the emotion that was present at the point of origin, you have the opportunity to resolve it.
Understanding our past helps us to heal in the present. By safely taking you back to the moment in where it all began, we can transform the emotional impact by transforming the outcome there and then. Doing this prevents the ripple effect that shows up in the now.
No longer will you have an irrational responses to situations that trigger you. This is because you have removed the charge and healed the effects of events passed. The result is dramatic, because the emotions are erased from the Akashic records and your time line. This enables you to move forward with resolution freed from the experience.
If you have tried other therapies to no avail, then Past life Assimilation may be of help. It is useful for repeat issues and patterns formed as a result of a trauma or emotional blockage that has been carried forward from other lives and past experiences.
The Past Life Assimilation Technique releases and dissolves emotion(s) that have been carried forward in time from past incarnations. By connecting with the emotion that was present at the point of origin, you have the opportunity to resolve it.
Understanding our past helps us to heal in the present. By safely taking you back to the moment in where it all began, we can transform the emotional impact by transforming the outcome there and then. Doing this prevents the ripple effect that shows up in the now.
No longer will you have an irrational responses to situations that trigger you. This is because you have removed the charge and healed the effects of events passed. The result is dramatic, because the emotions are erased from the Akashic records and your time line. This enables you to move forward with resolution freed from the experience.
* We discuss what your area of concern is and set an intention to locate the moment in time where this issue began.
* The treatment is conducted in a seated position with eyes closed or eye mask.
* Your practitioner will stand behind you with her hands placed on your ascension point (at the back on your head). They will remain there for the duration of the healing.
* You will be guided through a narrative to connect with your past life.
*You will be asked questions to connect you with this time, place and what you are witnessing and feeling.
You will be completely cognitive and aware of your answers as you are awake and aware during the experience.
* You will pinpoint what the triggering emotion, how you felt in that moment, what meaning or belief you assigned to this happening and intuitively know what you require resolve and transform this so that this incident is reframed into a positive outcome for you.
* Resolution that happens in a former time/space immediately creates change in the present, as the emotion and the thoughts/mindsets created by that event are healed and not carried forward into the present time.
* You will return to the present time completely aware of your experience.
* Past life assimilation session
60 minutes- COST: $85.00
* We discuss what your area of concern is and set an intention to locate the moment in time where this issue began.
* The treatment is conducted in a seated position with eyes closed or eye mask.
* Your practitioner will stand behind you with her hands placed on your ascension point (at the back on your head). They will remain there for the duration of the healing.
* You will be guided through a narrative to connect with your past life.
*You will be asked questions to connect you with this time, place and what you are witnessing and feeling.
You will be completely cognitive and aware of your answers as you are awake and aware during the experience.
* You will pinpoint what the triggering emotion, how you felt in that moment, what meaning or belief you assigned to this happening and intuitively know what you require resolve and transform this so that this incident is reframed into a positive outcome for you.
* Resolution that happens in a former time/space immediately creates change in the present, as the emotion and the thoughts/mindsets created by that event are healed and not carried forward into the present time.
* You will return to the present time completely aware of your experience.
* Past life assimilation session
60 minutes- COST: $85.00